Apr 25, 2007

Mosquitoes and Wings

I think of mosquitoes when I see wings,
I think of mosquitoes as of wings: like
any wing: like a wing going unnoticed
a pigeon's wing ripping hard the sky's
in the act before ripping the sky
flesh, the mosquito sucks blood apart, in that manner,
the mosquito sucks blood
:you know, in that manner when it bows
as wings suck the sky, its blue brow.
over a certain part of your body,
This is the difference, only:
a needle-like beak eating hungrily your
the mosquito does it with bodies,
blood, there and there, now progressing
with those who plows innocently
over here. The only difference, I guess,
their orchard, those striding
are what they cause: malaria and
through a thick jungle
shapelessness. And how they look.

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